Saturday, 18 December 2010

An extremely delayed update

Many months later (in fact a third of the way through second year) and I still haven't cottoned on well to the art of blogging. I have a few images of my work in the term just gone by (still havent got any of my end of first year project scanned - my bad).

Below are 3 illustrations which I produced for the adult narrative project. I picked the text 'Oubliette' which is a short story about a being that is trapped inside something and is really confused about whether they are a rat or a man and they talk through various theories about where they are and why. It gave me an opportunity to try out different processes and also finally to work out what layering textures in photoshop actually is.

For one of the first projects of second year we were each given a word and told to produce 3 images where we explored different concepts and visual ideas based on the word. We were also given some themes which we could look at. I got the word 'face' and here are a couple of mine >



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